Super Spies is the 4th episode of Yo Gabba Gabba! from Season 4. In this episode, Jason Bateman guests as the bad spy who steals all the balloons from the Gabba Land balloon art party.
No introduction appears before the first Super Music Friends Show song because it is used as a distraction.
This is the only episode where the Super Music Friends Show portable red television doesn't play. However, it is fixed later in the episode when DJ Lance notices that the Super Music Friends Show is on for real.
This episode was filmed in 12th to 19th September 2011.
Barrett was filmed from 13th September 2011.
Jacob was filmed from 15th September 2011.
Ruby was filmed from 17th September 2011.
Harper was filmed from 19th September 2011.
DJ Lance Rock's audio dialogue is "Foofa saved the day, and we taught our new friend Bateman how to make art." and he mouths "Foofa saved the day, and we taught our new friend Brobee how to make art.".