Air Date
October 21, 2008 (TV broadcast on Nickelodeon)
June 15, 2010 (TV broadcast on Nick Jr.)
August 9, 2011 (DVD release)
Directed By
Scott Schultz
Super Music Friends Show Genre
Differences is the 6th episode of Yo Gabba Gabba! from Season 2. In this episode, the Gabba gang learns that it's okay to be different and they point out the differences in each other like color, size, etc.
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The gallery for Differences may be viewed here .
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Trivia [ ]
This is the 1st episode where Muno wears glasses instead of the cowboy hat, later in School .
This is the first episode that Leslie Hall sings during a song.
This is the first episode to have the "Don't Be Mean To Your Friends song". The second time would be in Art .
This is the second time Muno knocked over Toodee's tower made of blocks. The first time was in Dance , & the other one was in Together , But that time it was Brobee's tower.
Biz Markie is absent in this episode.
Leslie Hall is not credited in this episode.
When DJ Lance says “We should never say mean things to people because they look different.” he doesn't mention the fact he wears glasses.
At the end of the episode, DJ Lance Rock says, "I had so much fun today!" instead of "I had a great time today!".
Hallee was filmed on the 6th June 2008.
Noah was filmed on the 12th June 2008.
Taryn was filmed on the 18th June 2008.
This episode was filmed on the 8th May to 18th June 2008.
Love Me in the the Numbers segment was filmed on the 12th June 2008.
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