Car is the 15th episode of Yo Gabba Gabba! from Season 1. In this episode, the characters learn about traveling safely as they go for a ride in a car.
The gallery for Car may be viewed here.
Guest Stars[]
- Sugarland
- Biz Markie
- Ian Fowles (EagleBones Falconhawk) from The AquaBats!
- Jodey Lawrence from Supernova
- Songs: "Keep Trying" (Muno and Plex), "Dangerous", "Remember", "Driving In A Car"
- Jingle: "Look Both Ways" by The Aggrolites
- Play Pretend with Muno: Snake
- Dancey Dance: "Electric Eel" with Sugarland
- Biz's Beat of the Day
- Cool Tricks: Ian Fowles and Jodey Lawrence playing rock guitars
- Funny Face: Thumb to Nose
- Storytime: Naughty Gordie
- Listen to Sounds with Toodee
- Sean Fujiwara (debut)
- Kate Sneddon (debut)
- Lauren Haneke-Hopps (debut)
- Devon Dahl (debut)
- Plex's car would be in "Train".
- This is the first episode where the Gabba Gang is seen outside of Gabbaland (not counting the Megamixes). They ride the car past many animated places such as the Statue of Liberty.
- In the Portugal version, Biz Markie does not say "OK, here's Biz's Beat of the Day.", he instead says "Here's Biz's Beat of the Day.".
- This is the first episode where we don't transition from Biz's Beat Of The Day to the video game.
- This is the only season 1 episode not to have Foofa Dress in I Like To Dance.
- In this episode, it has Biz's Beat Of The Day appearing with Listen to sounds with Toodee instead of Colors With Brobee , Although Colors With Brobee appeared in Careful, Greetings, Share and Train.
- This episode was filmed from 24th June to 2nd July 2007.
- Sean was filmed on the 25th June 2007.
- Kate was filmed on the 28th June 2007.
- Lauren was filmed on the 30th June 2007.
- Devon was filmed on the 2nd July 2007.
- This is the only episode to have Biz's Beat Of The Day and not to feature a Colors with Brobee or Numbers Segment.
- This is the first appearance of Plex's car.
- Pillow Socky can be seen hanging over the tree branch during "Remember", long before Brobee realizes he threw it there.
- In one of the scenes during the Driving in a Car song segment, a reference to the movie Alien can be seen, where an alien very similar to Xenomorph appears.
- At the end of the Cool Tricks segment, Jodey and Bones play their guitars on the theme song.
- The road disappeared during the Dancey Dance.
- It is unknown what happened to the road in later episodes; it's possible that it got bulldozed or disappeared the same way it appeared: by magic.
- At the end of the second segment, Brobee is still frowning and his frown looks crooked.
- Whenever the camera pans to DJ Lance with Gabba Land below him, the road disappears. In the second segment, he asks Brobee and Toodee, “Do you see the road you were standing on?” Even though, no road can be seen.
- Judging by the speed of Plex's car, even if Brobee and Toodee had gotten hit, they probably would've suffered minimal injuries.
DVD Releases[]
"Eat" • "Summer" • "Fun" • "Dance" • "Sleep" • "Happy" • "Friends" • "Careful" • "Scary" • "Halloween" • "Greetings" • "Move" • "Together" • "Christmas" • "Car" • "Share" • "Find" • "Train" • "Love" • "Imagine" | |
"Birthday" • "Games" • "Talent" • "Animals" • "Weather" • "Differences" • "Robot" • "Teeth" • "Clean" • "New Friends" • "Green" • "Family" • "Art" • "Ride" • "Boat" • "Band" • "Dress Up" • "Big" • "Space" • "Mystery" | |
"Circus • "Bugs" • "Doctor" • "Superhero" • "Flying" • "Baby" • "Clubhouse" • "Pets" • "School" • "Fairy Tale" • "Adventure" • "Nature" • "Treasure" | |
"Christmas Special" • "Olympics" • "Gooble" • "Super Spies" • "Farm" • "DJ Lance's Super Music & Toy Room" • "Shopping" • "Dinosaur" • "Day Camp" • "Restaurant" • "Show" • "Mermaids" • "Quest" |